* What does it do?

Simply put, you can run any file and send a CTCP to the channel/query/DCC chat window to request the people on the other side to run that same file (same as what /SOUND does with WAV and MID files). With FRX, any file can be run as long as it has an extension (eg. mp3, mp2, wav, mid, avi, txt, etc.), even files with spaces. Files can be run through drag-and-drop from Explorer or File Manager, the Favourite Files list, or the FRX Run command.

As an example, the extension MP3 has already been partly set (listening to MP3 or SOUND as CTCP, running minimized and ignored during Midi/Wav).

* Why is it called File Runner X?

File Runner because it runs files. X because there aren't many letters that mIRC haven't already reserved for its own alt-"letter" short-cuts (for the Menubar pop-up menu). Q:)

That dates back when FRX had its own pop-up file rather than adding pop-ups to your existing pop-ups.

* What is that Q on your smiley?

That's my hat. Sailor hat actually. As far as I know, I'm the only one on IRC to use it. But that's probably wrong. What does this hat have to do with the script? Nothing. So why'd you ask me? Oh you didn't... nevermind then.

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The script lets you associate an unlimited number of file extensions (any length) with the following abilities/advantages:

  1. You can run the files and send CTCP using:
    1. drag and drop of files into channel/query windows
    2. the recent files list
    3. an organized Favourite Files list with "subdirectories"
    4. a scheduled or quick timer
    5. the FRX Run File command
  2. You have the option to send a user-defined CTCP when a file is run and to listen for CTCP files with the set extensions.
  3. You can listen to more than one CTCP for each extension, without having to set a new association for each CTCP.
  4. You have the option to send CTCP only to selected nicks in the nicklist of a channel.
  5. You can specify a program to run files with a particular extension.
  6. You can specify a default starting path to look for files with each extension.
  7. More than one path can be specified for searching when CTCP is received. The file will be searched under the specified directories and their subdirectories. mIRC by itself can only search a single directory and its subdirectories for your WAV and MID files.
  8. Long filenames and filenames with spaces can also be run (mIRC Sound command cannot do this).
The real point of this script, though, is so you can set CTCP for any extension you want (eg. mp2, mp3, mod, au, mov, avi, etc.). Then you can send people CTCP requests for these types of files just like WAV and MID files in mIRC (/SOUND).

Files that have not been set can also have the option to send CTCP when you run them. However, you will not be listening for CTCP of files with non-set extensions.

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The following 6 files should be present:

Main Scripts:
frunner.iniThe main ini file containing the first set of the main aliases and remote events.
frunner2.iniThe second set of the main aliases and remote events.
frunner3.iniThe third set of the main aliases.
frpatch.iniThe alias file containing only the patch aliases.
Storage Files:
frun-ext.iniThe ini file that will store the associations, descriptions, messages and favourite files settings. If you have an older version of FRX, you can keep your old one, but be sure to read the How To Start and Known Issues sections.
frunner.docThe file you're reading now.

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  1. Move all the files into a single directory. If you have a previous version of FRX, you can overwrite the following files:


    Do not overwrite: frun-ext.ini

    Note that the following files in earlier versions are no longer needed:

  2. Load frunner.ini to the remote events by typing (replace c:\frx with your path):
    /load -rs c:\frx\frunner.ini
  3. Allow the initialization commands to run, which will:
    Set the FRX path.
    Load frunner2.ini into the remote events.
    Load frunner.ini, frunner2.ini and frunner3.ini into the alias.
  4. If you are using FunctioNX, FRX will first unload FNX events and reload them after the FRX events. Just enter No for the second initilization prompt.

  5. Make sure you turn listening to CTCP on (which I think are on by default in mIRC v5.1 and above). If you're not sure, type:
    /Remote On
  6. If you want to enable the drag-and-drop feature, you must manually enter the following line into the Drag-Drop tab under mIRC Options:
    *:fr-run $1-
  7. If you don't need to use /FR-Patch, you can unload frpatch.ini from the alias. Just type (replace c:\frx with your path):
    /unload -a c:\frx\frpatch.ini
If you were using older versions of FRX:
  1. FRX v6.0 had a bug involving the renaming of file entries in the Favourite Files list for filenames that have spaces. If you renamed entries of filenames that have spaces, it would be best to remove the list in which that entry is kept and then remake the list again.
  2. As FRX advanced, storage of associations had to be modified. The alias /FR-Patch has been created to easily convert associations from older versions of FRX to work with the new version. You must use /FR-Patch if you were using FRX v5.6 or below before installing this version, and had created associations with that older version of FRX.
    1. v6.0 - All storage modified (Associations, File Descriptions, Alternate Names, Messages, Timers, Favourites)
    2. v5.7 - Storage of associated programs modified
    3. v5.4 - Storage of CTCP commands modified
    4. v4.6 - Storage of associated paths modified
    Make sure you have the new version loaded and have your frun-ext.ini file in the correct FRX path. Then type:
    This will automatically convert your frun-ext.ini file to be compatible with the new version of FRX. The old copy will be backed up to frun-ext.bak (providing such a file does not already exist). Running /FR-Patch more than once may cause problems! frpatch.ini is unloaded after patching.
  3. With v6.0, frmainfv.txt and frrecent.txt are no longer needed. They can be erased after running /FR-Patch. frun-ext.bak is just a back-up copy of the old version frun-ext.ini that can be erased if you want.
  4. With v5.7, some options were changed. Therefore, settings in older versions may not be kept when you install v5.7.
  5. With v5.2 and later, the Favourite Files listing was converted to contain multiple lists. As such, if you were using FRX v5.1 or below before loading this version, you must unset your favourite files list by typing the following:
    /unset %fr-fav
    Then reload your list using the Add Favourites command while in the main Favourite Files screen.
  6. With v5.1 and later, the random messages processing was changed. Therefore, if you were using FRX v5.0 or below before loading this version, and if you are going to use your old frun-ext.ini file, copy the section labelled [~Messages~] in the new frun-ext.ini file to your original file before running the patch.

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This can be done by using the commands in the pop-up menus of the @FRX and @FRX-Favourites windows. You can use the Add Type command to add all files with the same extension found in the same subdirectory.

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Just use the Unload FRX command in the @FRX window.

The following line should also be removed from the Drag-Drop tab under mIRC Options:

*:fr-run $1-
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Please do not alter the script without permission from the author.
Distribute freely. Do not charge for it please.
And of course, I'm not responsible for any damage this script may cause to your softwares, hardwares or health.

Send comments/suggestions/bug reports to Adrian Au at

Script by: Adrian Au
Date: January 11, 1998

Nabiki's Castle (
NK's Corner (

Thanks to Hanzo on #Nabiki^sRPG for tons of suggestions (eg. the Log Runs/CTCP Receptions option and the Transfer to Favourites command) and help in testing the script!
Thanks to Belldandi on #Nabiki^sRPG for suggestions and for being brave enough to play around with v6.0 beta.
Thanks to Deedrit on #Nabiki^sRPG for the suggestion of "subdirectories" in the Favourite Files List.
Belldandi and Taiki had the original idea of an MP3 player/CTCP sender in #Nabiki^sRPG.
And thanks to pai on #mIRC.N for ? as replacement for spaces in SOUND CTCPs.

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* Specifications:
For use with mIRC v5.3 or v5.31. May work with future versions of mIRC.

Note that all text are displayed in the @FRX window. The @FRX window is opened by default on mIRC start-up, and, if closed, is re-opened when a command is run. The three other windows used are the @FRX-Ext window (for the set associations), the @FRX-Fav window (for the Favourite Files list) and the @FRX-Options window (for changing options).

All aliases start with fr- and all temporary variables begin with %~fr

The following are permanent (or semi-permanent) variables:

The script also makes a file called frrecent.txt to store info regarding recent files, and frx.log to log runs/CTCP receptions if the respective options are on.

The toggles in %fr-optp (Program Options):

1Open FileRunnerX Window on Start-Up
3Open FRX-Favourites Window on Start-Up
4Open FRX-Ext Window on Start-Up
5Open FRX-Options Window on Start-Up
dOpen FileRunnerX Window on Desktop
eDouble-click on @FRX opens FRX-Ext Window
fDouble-click on @FRX opens FRX-Favourites Window
rDouble-click on @FRX opens FRX-Recent Window
oDouble-click on @FRX opens FRX-Options Window
The toggles in %fr-optc (Run Options):
tTrack Recent Files
gLog Runs/CTCP Receptions
cMinimize Custom Windows on Run
fFile Description on Run
vFav Names as Description
sCTCP Send for All Files
aCTCP Sending for Non-Set Files
kNicklist Send
rCTCP Receive for All Files
xShow in @FRX Window
wLong Filename for CTCP Reception
bBeep on CTCP Reception
mMessage on CTCP Reception
The toggles in %frpopopt (Collapsible Trees in @FRX-Options):
1Show Program Options
2Show Run Options
3Show Display Options
wDo not show Windows (Program Options)
cDo not show Double-Click @FRX (Program Options)
pDo not show Pop-Ups (Program Options)
dDo not show Runner (Run Options)
sDo not show Send (Run Options)
rDo not show Receive (Run Options)
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v6.01January 11, 1998
Fixed bug of renaming and restoring file entries that have spaces in the filenames.
Added Show in @FRX option under Run Options.
Changed /FR-Patch so that at the end of patching, frpatch.ini is unloaded.
v6.0January 10, 1998
Modified display of Favourite Files list to allow short cut keys (first letter of list name).
Fixed bugs in list editing of not unsetting variables.
List editing now selects the previous entry (only top entry) moved.
Rename List now checks for existing names.
Fixed bug when running files with filename less than 8 characters long from the Favourites or Recent Files lists when Long Filename option is off.
Fixed bug of not showing Quick timers when non-FRX timers are on.
Fixed bug of not unsetting Quick timers.
Fixed bug of getting multiple scheduled timers for the same command when after disconnecting from IRC server.
Added Timers/Scheduled/Refresh command to refreshed scheduled timers.
Added text command for Timers/Scheduled/Refresh command.
Changed "Ignore during Midi" to "Ignore during Midi/Wave".
Now possible to use long filenames in the FRX path.
Changed all dialogues for entering directory names to use $sdir.
FRX path now only refers to the path of the following files: frun-ext.ini, frrecent.txt, frmainfv.txt, and frunner.doc. (ie. The script files frunner.ini, frunner2.ini and frunner3.ini are excluded.)
Set/Edit Associations now add to existing paths/programs/ctcps rather than replace them.
Set/Edit Associations now gives the option to remove all existing paths, programs or ctcps individually before adding new values.
Set/Edit Associations/All no longer asks for "Replace all existing values? (Y/N)".
The dialogue box for Set/Edit Associations/Paths, Programs or CTCPs will no longer allow . for unsetting the respective values.
Removed most commands from channel, query and menubar pop-ups to reduce their sizes.
Modified the @FRX titlebar to allow more room for the active channel/query name.
Added commands to unset individual path(s), program(s) or CTCP(s) for an extension.
Added side listbox to @FRX for easier access to FRX windows.
Added FRX command to all FRX windows except main window.
Added Association/Primary/Program command to @FRX-Ext window.
Removed confirmation for AutoSort command.
Moved AutoSort command to List Editing subtree.
Added text commands for unsetting individual path(s), program(s) and CTCP(s).
/FRX now places the @FRX window on top even if the window was already opened.
Toggling Open on Desktop now automatically moves any active FRX window to/from the desktop.
The FRX path is now defaulted to the directory where frunner.ini is located if no path is set after the initial loading of FRX.
Text in the @FRX window is now wrapped.
Modified the CTCP format to the new one in mIRC v5.3.
Fixed bug of not running filenames with spaces when no program is set for the extension.
FRX now ignores all Wave/Midi SOUND CTCPs when the mIRC option "Accept sound requests" is not checked.
CTCP requests now show the channel name if available, or "Query" if not.
Added check for minimum required number of entries (2) in AutoSort command.
Redesigned how Favourites and Recent files are kept.
Changed how Associations, Messages, Descriptions, Alternate Filenames and Timers are kept; ~Associations~, ~Messages~, ~Desc~, ~Desc2, ~Alt~, ~Alt2~, ~Time~ and ~Timer~ are no longer reserved and can be used as extensions in setting associations.
Added copy file entries between lists; dropped Move to Fav command.
Redesigned list editing command algorithms.
Changed @FRX-Favourites to @FRX-Fav.
Moved Recent list to @FRX-Fav and dropped @FRX-Recent window; dropped options to Open @FRX-Recent on Start-Up (2 in %fr-optp) and Double-Click (r in %fr-optp); variable %fr-wrec (@FRX-Recent window size/position) no longer needed.
File list names can now have spaces.
You can now name individual file entries within file lists using Names/Rename command.
FRX will no longer prompt for removing invalid file entries when you try to run them from the files list.
AutoSort no longer opens the @FRX window and display messages.
Moved /fr-patch alias to its own alias file so that you can easily erase it if not needed.
Added check for frun-ext.ini existance in /fr-patch alias.
Renamed Add All Files command to Add Type.
Created /fr-home alias to check for WWW browser set in mIRC ini file and go to FRX Homepage.
Added Favourites/Show Targets command to show the actual filenames if different from the listed names.
Added text command for Show Targets.
Favourites/Rename command can now process more than one file at a time.
Added check for old version of frun-ext.ini and warning if found.
The titlebar of @FRX-Fav now shows the number of entries in paranthesis after the list name.
The @FRX and @FRX-Fav titlebars display are modified to give more room for active channel/query name and list name respectively.
Favourites/Copy now checks for existing file entries in target.
Favourites/Copy now checks for maximum recent listing if target is the Recent Files list.
Fixed Timers/Scheduled/Refresh command sometimes making new timers without disabling old ones.
Fixed Quick Timers trying to play non-existant file "Window" when the active window is the Status Window.
Instead of just Associations and Favourites, /fr-patch now converts everything to v6.0 except Recent Files.
Changed dates and times in Scheduled Timers to use / and : as delimiters instead of the period.
Fixed daily Scheduled Timers not running if the time written in frun-ext.ini for the timer has passed.
The @FRX-Fav titlebar is now automatically updated after deletions/additions.
Added Send Only/CTCP/Desc and Send Only/Desc Only commands to send CTCP without running the file.
Added Favourites/Names/No Paths command to rename selected entries to filenames without paths for display.
Added Favourites/Names/Restore command to restore selected entries to be displayed as filenames.
Fixed Association/Unset/All command unsetting all associations even if only selecting a single association.
Run Option/Message Lock now is shown as either on or off rather than showing the message number if on.
Added /FR-RunCD and /FR-RunD aliases.
Added Fav Names as Description option.
Now supports /SPlay's ability to play files with spaces.
Added configurability to @FRX listbox and Listbox/Show, Listbox/Set/Edit and Listbox/Unset commands.
Added text commands for Listbox commands and removed those for @FRX-Recent window.
Added option to change @FRX listbox width under Display Options.
Added check for mIRC version when first loading FRX.
Added routine to unload fxevents.ini (FunctioNX) if present and reload it after FRX events are loaded.
v5.7November 2, 1997
Fixed bug in using !Run command with file parameter resulting in a message to "!Run"; modified /FR-Run alias to work with format: /FR-Run
Small modifications for @FRX window to work with FunctionX v1.0.
Typing /clear command in @FRX window now clears the window but will have the version info, etc. displayed (so that in listbox mode, you can still double-click on the window).
Added display of date and time when performing various commands.
Added display of date when running files/receiving CTCP and changed how time is displayed.
Fixed incorrect color of end paranthesis (when receiving CTCP) in: CTCP (ctcp) request: file.ext
Added aliases /FR-RunNC (No CTCP) and /FR-RunS (Silent) to make setting function keys for running multiple files more convenient.
Changed reception notice to resemble that of the SOUND CTCP: [nick ctcp] «« filename »»
Modified /FR-Run to accept multiple filenames with support for spaces: /FR-Run ...
Modified action descriptions (instead of echoing exactly the same as normal actions).
Changed how the version number is read by various commands/triggers.
Modified aliases for setting Paths and CTCPs to be more efficient.
Added the headings/endings (|||--- ---|||) to all commands.
Changed Set/Edit Descriptions so you can edit existing descriptions without having to find the file.
You can now keep choosing files to describe in Set/Edit Descriptions until you choose no file to describe/edit.
Show Descriptions now show the descriptions in normal text color to avoid confusion with colors within the descriptions.
You can now choose an extension in the @FRX-Ext window and choose Set/Edit Association to edit it.
Added Primary command to switch primary path or CTCP for an association.
Changed CTCP Options to Run Options and reorganized into correct categories.
Added restoration of default status of menubar, channel window and query window pop-ups in Restore Default Program Option.
Added ability to associate more than one program for an extension.
Added Program subcategory to the Primary command.
Changed FRX text command !Help to allow for parameters Doc and Homepage; removed !Doc.
Added ability to check for existing entries when adding to Favourites and Recent Files.
Reverse codes can now be used in channel/query messages that are displayed when files are run.
Color, bold, underline and reverse codes can now be used in file descriptions.
Unset descriptions now repeat the prompt for entry until you enter nothing.
Fixed bug in unsetting descriptions resulting in error in the descriptions storage.
Added alternate filename support (Show, Set/Edit, Unset Alt Name).
Added Update command for both Recent and Favourites lists.
Added Sort command for both Recent and Favourites Lists.
Removed !List Rename and !List XFer FRX text commands; replaced with !Fav Rename and !Recent XFer respectively.
Added !Add Alt, !Del Alt, !Show Alt, !Fav Update, !Fav Sort, !Recent Update and !Recent Sort FRX text commands.
Changed @FRX-Favourites and @FRX-Recent pop-ups to only show their respective list commands.
Fixed Unload bug not being able to unset FRX variables (Error: FR-UNSETVAR Unknown command).
Changed Use Nicklist option to be off by default.
Fixed drag-and-drop of filenames with spaces.
Made processing of commands in @FRX Editbox work with identifiers and variables, and can accept multi-line commands.
Options now changed via the @FRX-Options window rather than through pop-ups.
Added collapsible trees to @FRX-Options window.
Added Open Options command, and changed Close/Minimize/Open All commands to include @FRX-Options.
Added Start-Up @FRX-Options option.
Removed !Show Prog, !Show Run and !Show Display text commands.
You can no longer save single window sizes/positions. One command saves all window sizes/positions.
Moved Unload command out of Program Options and placed it in main pop-up.
Modified Clear command to refresh window if the active window is @FRX-Ext, @FRX-Favourites, @FRX-Recent or @FRX-Options windows.
Added Options command to Menubar, Channel and Query pop-ups, and modified command to bring @FRX-Options window to the top.
Added Options pop-ups: Default, UnCollapse and Collapse.
Changed double-click on @FRX to clear @FRX if not cleared, and, if already cleared, to open all FRX windows if any are not open and to close them all if they are.
Added options to modify which to open and check for open/close when double-clicking on @FRX.
Modified refresh of @FRX-Options window to have selected line stay selected.
When sending SOUND CTCP with filenames that have spaces, the spaces are replaced by ? in the CTCP to prevent mIRC from misinterpreting the part after the first space as being a message.
Added Message Lock option.
A locked message's number is displayed in orange when using the Show Message command.
v5.6October 16, 1997
Added ability to double-click on @FRX window to clear then close @FRX.
Fixed bug of running files with spaces if you don't have an associated program for the extension set by FRX. * /run: unable to run ""c:\file name.ext""
Fixed bug of @FRX window opening when you're only changing directories in the Favourites window.
Added Help section (Document and Editbox commands) to @FRX pop-up.
Changed @FRX window to an editbox, and added ability to process commands and relay messages in the editbox.
Added a set of FRX text commands (/FRX:) for use in the @FRX Editbox.
Titlebar of the @FRX window now displays the current Active window.
Added ability to minimize, on run, custom windows until a channel/query/chat window is reached.
Added option to turn off minimize custom windows.
Fixed bug of toggle Open Extensions on Start-Up affecting @FRX-Favourites rather than @FRX-Ext.
Added option of whether to remove FRX variables or not when unloading FRX.
Added ability to send CTCP only to selected nicks in the nicklist of the active channel window.
Added option to turn off check for selected nicks in the nicklist on send.
Added ability to replace tag with the selected nicks (in a grammatically correct way Q:) ) if sending CTCP only to the selected nicks. If no tag is present, the selected nicks are placed in paranthesis at the end.
v5.5October 12, 1997
Modified pop-ups to show status of toggles.
Fixed bug of not logging "No description sent".
Fixed bug of clearing active window when user types /FRX to open the FRX window.
Fixed bug of fonts becoming the mIRC font when Restore Default display command is used followed by /FRX.
Changed the default font (Arial to Arial Bold), font size (10 to 12), window sizes and window positions.
Fixed bug of not being able to run files with spaces using certain programs when the programs are set for the extension.
Moved aliases around to have them not even close to 30kb each so that mIRC doesn't erase some out of whim.
Placed all the pop-ups into a remote file and removed all scripts in frunctcp.ini to that remote file; frunctcp.ini will now only contain ctcp requests. (Install FRX by loading frunner.ini into remote instead of frunctcp.ini into remote.)
Made the pop-ups more brief; read the document if you can't figure out what they mean.
Turning toggles and pop-up menus on/off will no longer display anything in the @FRX window.
When Changed Display/Font, Changed Display/Font Size or Changed Display/Text Color is used, the new setting is shown in the @FRX window and confirmation is asked for.
When font is changed, the font in the @FRX window (but not the other windows) is changed automatically.
Added ability for each extension to respond to more than one CTCP.
Edited /fr-patch to convert old to new CTCP storage format.
Changed .FRX CTCP (FRX Version) response design.
Added tag for the random descriptions that are sent when running files.
Removed frunctcp.ini entirely; FRX will listen to all CTCPs; CTCPs that have set associations are processed while others are passed on to regular CTCP processing.
v5.4September 27, 1997
Fixed bug of not having a default favourite files list when using FRX for the first time.
Fixed bug of Log Runs/CTCP Receptions being on when %fr-optp is $null (mIRC bug).
Fixed bug of incompletely erasing the final message using the Delete command in the Message Editor.
Added Scheduled Timer (Show, Set and Unset).
Added Quick Timer (Show, Set and Unset).
Modified keyboard shortcuts for the pop-up menu commands FRX Windows and Clear Window.
Added Transfer to Favourites command in the Recent Files.
Added Rename List command in the Favourite Files.
Added Silent option when running files with Run command.
Fixed bug of not refreshing @FRX-Favourites and @FRX-Recent windows when Show Listing/Open Window commands are used.
v5.3September 20, 1997
Added command to run a file without sending CTCP.
Changed Run command in @FRX-Favourites and @FRX-Recent to run the selected file in the respective window rather than bring up the regular run dialogue asking for file extension.
Fixed "Illegal operation" bug which occurs when immediately after setting CTCP association, mIRC is allowed to run the initialization commands.
Fixed bug of a newly set CTCP not appearing in the events window even though the line exists in the script ini file.
Added program option to log Runs/CTCP Receptions.
Changed the readme.txt to frunner.doc so it's much easier to read.
v5.2September 7, 1997
Added a favourite files listing structure that allows access to different Favourite Files lists.
Fixed inability to store descriptions for filenames with spaces.
Fixed * /write Insufficient parameters bug when running a file with spaces and with the Recent Files list turned on.
Changed script for moving entries in the file lists.
Changed pop-ups.
Changed CTCP reply to .FRX CTCP for FRX version info.
Added ability to unset individual settings (paths, program and CTCP) under Set/Edit Paths, Program and CTCP respectively.
Fixed bug of not setting a new association correctly when using Set/Edit for an individual setting.
Changed scripting of Add Favourites and Add All Files for improved efficiency.
No longer checks for redundant entries when adding entries to the Favourite Files list.
User will no longer be asked where to place entries when adding entries in Favourite Files Lists. Entries are added to the bottom of the list as they are added.
v5.1September 1, 1997
Added Message Editor commands to show, add and delete the messages randomly displayed when running files.
Added prompt to decide whether to remove the entry if the file cannot be found when running it from the @FRX-Recent window or @FRX-Favourites window.
Fixed conflicting variables among CTCP reception, FRX initialization and other commands.
Fixed not minimizing on run when playing from @FRX-Ext window.
Fixed keyboard shortcut conflict between 1 and 10 in @FRX window pop-up.
v5.01August 31, 1997
Fixed bug in variable for updating @FRX-Recent window resulting in $read trying to read $null.
v5.0August 30, 1997
Compatible with mIRC v5.1:

Ignore MIDI function modified.
File size calculations modified.
Modified Run command to show extension properly when choosing file.

Double-clicking on @FRX cannot close @FRX window.
Fixed attempt to send CTCP when active window is the Status Window using @FRX-Recent or @FRX-Favourites.
Fixed CTCP and messages for DCC Chat and Query Windows.
Added ability to check FRX version of another user.
Added Set/Edit Attribute command to set Ignore during MIDI and Minimize on Run options for specific extensions.
Added show favourite storage file in @FRX-Favourites titlebar.
Added show FRX version in @FRX titlebar.
Fixed loophole in CTCP reception with mismatched CTCP and associated extension.
Added Add All Files command to Favourites Files list.
Changed variables used in CTCP reception and FRX initialization to prevent conflicts with other commands.
Added @FRX-Ext window.
Added commands to save sizes/positions of FRX windows.
Modified Set/Edit Associations commands so that individual settings can be changed quickly.
Modified pop-ups.
v4.6August 21, 1997
Changed the pop-ups.
Fixed bug of @FRX window not appearing on desktop if user types /FRX even when the option is on.
Fixed minor bug of trying to send CTCP with Run command even when active window is the Status Window.
Added feature to search under multiple specified paths for a file upon CTCP reception.
Changed default normal text color to cyan.
v4.5August 17, 1997
Added Unload FRX command.
Added Toggle @FRX-Recent On/Off command.
Added double-click on @FRX to close @FRX window.
Pop-up menus are now added to user's existing pop-ups rather than having a file of their own.
Added commands to turn on/off Menubar, Channel and Query pop-up menus.
Made separate pop-up menus for the @FRX-Recent and @FRX-Favourites windows and the Menubar, Channel and Query pop-up menus.
Changed to a simpler loading procedure and got rid of fr-setup.ini (can no longer check FRX version during set-up nor enable drag-and-drop automatically).
Fixed bug with @FRX-Recent and @FRX-Favourites windows opening when receiving CTCP.
v4.3August 9, 1997
Added random message when files are run.
Modified how file sizes are displayed in the description.
Fixed bug in Changing Descriptions where the number of descriptions is incorrectly saved.
Fixed problem with Recent Files list not updating correctly when files with spaces in the name/path are run.
Fixed problem with not being able to remove files with spaces in the name/path correctly.
v4.2July 21, 1997
Added commands to close or minimize all FRX windows.
The /FR-Entry command in the listbox of the @FRX-Favourites and the @FRX-Recent windows can now move multiple files at a time.
Fixed minor bug of not unsetting %~frremote and %~frstore temporary variables after initialization commands on start-up.
v4.0July 14, 1997
Added ability to choose what line to insert files when adding files to the Favourite Files list.
Added listboxes to the @FRX-Recent and @FRX-Favourites windows to execute edit list commands (/FR-Entry).
Fixed bug of trying to open @FRX-Recent window when frrecent.txt file does not exist in "Show" under "Recent Files".
Fixed related bug of temporary variables not being unset after using "Show" under "Recent Files" and "Favourite Files".
Changed the name of the @FileRunnerX window to @FRX.
Changed the size of the @FRX window so the text is not hidden when certain commands are used.
v3.8July 13, 1997
Added Favourites Files List.
Added Show Listing, Load/Unload Favourites, Add Favourites and Remove Selected commands for Favourite Files Lists management.
Added keyboard shortcuts to commands.
Added automatic ignore of SOUND CTCP for WAV and MID if a MIDI is currently playing under mIRC's SPlay.
Rewrote how options are stored.
Added options to open individual FRX windows on start-up of mIRC.
Re-categorized options and added Show and Restore Default commands to each category.
Changed the design of the pop-ups.
v3.7July 12, 1997
Added feature to ignore chosen CTCP if a MIDI is playing under mIRC's built-in SPlay feature.
Added check for whether the FRX path has been set yet when running commands.
Modified how the long filenames option is handled.
Rewrote some parts of the script to decrease alias size.
v3.6July 12, 1997
Changed Remove from Listing (enter line numbers) to Remove Selected from Listing (select entries).
On run, file entry is now moved to the top of the Recent Files List even if it already exists.
Removed bug of a meaningless menu popping up when right-clicking on the FRX-Recent window.
Added main FRX pop-up menu to FRX-Recent window.
v3.5July 11, 1997
Added Recent Files List, Show Listings command, Remove from Listing command and Set Maximum Listing command.
Fixed bug when playing files with Status Window as active window.
Fixed bug with covered FileRunnerX window not coming on top of other windows when doing commands.
Redid the design of the pop-ups.
v3.3July 9, 1997
Fixed bug in processing long filenames on CTCP reception.
v3.2July 2, 1997
Fixed bug in Set/Edit File Association and Unset File Association where paths with spaces cause the script to halt.
Fixed bug in Set/Edit File Association where existing CTCP with same name is not replaced.
Added option to unset all file associations.
Added option to unset all file descriptions.
Added check for entering CTCP command with spaces in Set/Edit File Association.
v3.1July 1, 1997
Fixed bug in which "/sound " CTCPs were not interpreted correctly.
Fixed bug in which the script halts in Set/Edit Associations if no set associations are found in the ini files.
v3.0June 30, 1997
Added Set File Description.
Added Unset File Description.
Added option to turn on/off File Description in Active Window on CTCP Send.
Added Show File Description(s).
Allow cancelling of Show Association(s).
Added ability to show filename (if no set description) and file size on CTCP send.
Added option to strip filename down to 8 characters plus 3-letter-extension.
On CTCP reception, message will only be displayed in active window if it is not the FileRunnerX window.
v2.95June 28, 1997
Fixed bug in which files with spaces in paths won't send CTCP.
Added ability to show the settings for one association.
Added display of current associations in Set/Edit File Association and Unset File Association.
Added display of current settings for an association if Editing that file association.
Added display of time for CTCP requests and Run File operations.
Added check for spaces in path with the command for setting FileRunnerX path.
Changed the display a little.
Added option to display message in active window on CTCP reception.
v2.9June 26, 1997
Added installation script for File Runner X.
Fixed minor bug of FileRunnerX window popping up (instead of minimized) when receiving CTCP if the window has not been created first.
Added alias to open FileRunnerX window in case the window is closed.
v2.7June 23, 1997
Fixed bug with MID and WAV files sending MID and WAV ctcp respectively rather than SOUND ctcp.
Fixed bug with using the Windows default to play MID and WAV rather than use the mIRC built-in player.
Added option to toggle Beep on CTCP Reception.
v2.5June 22, 1997
Files with any length extensions (rather than only 3-character extensions) can be run with CTCP sent.
Fixed bug of FileRunnerX window popping up when user runs a file from the menubar, making the CTCP send to the FileRunnerX window instead.
With the fixing of the previous bug, a non-minimized FileRunnerX window minimizes whenever the run command is used, so that the CTCP will be sent to the first window below the FileRunnerX window.
Fixed bug of not being able to play drag-and-drop files that have no extensions.
Separated the options to send and to receive CTCP for all files.
Added option to toggle opening the FileRunnerX window on the desktop.
Added the Clear Current Window command.
v2.0June 22, 1997
All texts are now displayed in a window called FileRunnerX.
File Runner X commands can be run using the pop-up menu from the FileRunnerX window.
Added option to change font and color of the FileRunnerX window.
Added option to restore default display options.
Fixed small bug of not removing temporary variables when commands are cancelled.
v1.2June 21, 1997
Added Drag-and-Drop support for running files and sending CTCP.
Added option to send CTCP (assuming 3-letter extension) for files that have not been set.
Fixed problem with long filenames in Drag-and-Drop.
v1.0June 20, 1997
Added the option to change the path where the script stores and reads files.
Added the option to toggle CTCP request/send.
Added Show File Associations option.
Added ability to run files according to set associations even if no extension is entered in Run File.
v0.5June 20, 1997
Added script to add CTCP command in remote to respond to the CTCP user creates.
Added script to remove associated CTCP command from remote when user unsets a file association.
v0.3June 20, 1997
No longer says "* /run: no filename specified" when user cancel the Run command.
Files with wav and mid extensions are automatically set to send "/ctcp SOUND" when the run command is used.
v0.1June 20, 1997
Whipped up the script in an hour!

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  1. There is a limit to the number of entries (around 190) that you can have within each Favourite Files list due to how settings are stored.
  2. As FRX advanced, storage of associations had to be modified. The alias /FR-Patch has been created to easily convert associations from older versions of FRX to work with the new version. You must use /FR-Patch if you were using FRX v5.6 or below before installing this version, and had created associations with that older version of FRX.
    1. v6.0 - All storage modified (Associations, File Descriptions, Alternate Names, Messages, Timers, Favourites)
    2. v5.7 - Storage of associated programs modified
    3. v5.4 - Storage of CTCP commands modified
    4. v4.6 - Storage of associated paths modified
    Make sure you have the new version loaded and have your frun-ext.ini file in the correct FRX path. Then type:
    This will automatically convert your frun-ext.ini file to be compatible with the new version of FRX. The old copy will be backed up to frun-ext.bak (providing such a file does not already exist).
  3. With v5.1 and later, the random messages processing was changed. Therefore, if you were using FRX v5.0 or below before loading this version, and if you are going to use your old frun-ext.ini file, copy the section labelled [~Messages~] in the new frun-ext.ini file to your original file before running the patch /FR-Patch..
  4. With FRX v5.2 and later, the Favourite Files listing was converted to contain multiple lists. As such, if you were using FRX v5.1 or below before loading this version, you must unset your favourite files list by typing the following:
    /unset %fr-fav
    Then reload your list using the Add Favourites command while in the main Favourite Files screen.
  5. FRX sets a scheduled timer by calculating the number of seconds until the set time. Leap year is not taken into account and calculation requires that the dates are after January 1, 1997. For each set timer, this calculation is re-done everytime you open mIRC, so it should not be a problem unless you keep mIRC opened and connected over February 29. Also, the timer will only go up to December 31, 1999. When year 2000 comes around, I'll probably be modifying FRX to work with it.
  6. With v5.7, some options were changed. Therefore, settings in older versions may not be kept when you install v5.7.
  7. If you use SOUND as your CTCP with filenames that have spaces, mIRC on the receiver's side interprets words after the first space as messages and will display on the receiver's side * YourNick WordsAfterFirstSpace. Therefore, spaces are replaced by ? if you send SOUND CTCP with filenames that have spaces.
  8. If you use SPlay to play midi/wav and SPlay fails to play the file because the file is corrupt, etc., you must unset FRX temporary variables because the script has halted processing when SPlay failed. Otherwise, processing of subsequent commands may produce strange results. To unset FRX temporary variables, type: /FR-UnsetVar
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